10973 98 St NW, Edmonton

Alberta, Canada T5H 2P7

Enforcement and Violations

Detention Review

a. Who can be detained and why?
A foreign national or permanent resident may be detained by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) if there are reasonable grounds to believe that he or she:
• is inadmissible to Canada and is a danger to the public,
• is unlikely to appear for a hearing or removal, or,
• has not established his/her identity.

PRRA Application

Pre-Removal Risk Assessment application (PRRA)
a. What is a PRRA for?
In some cases, you may be eligible to apply for a pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) if you’re being removed from Canada.

PRRAs are used to make sure you’re not being removed to a country where:
• you would be in danger of torture
• you would be at risk of persecution
• there would be a risk to your life or of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment

Removal Order

If you received a Removal Order, you cannot legally remain in Canada and must leave the country. Depending on your situation, the removal order may be effective immediately, or after a negative decision if you had made an appeal.

Types of Removal Order:
There are three types of Removal Orders issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). It is important to understand the type of Removal Order you have received, its consequences, and whether you can challenge the decision.