10973 98 St NW, Edmonton

Alberta, Canada T5H 2P7



Economic class – Caregivers

A. Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot
❖ Introduction
As of June 18, 2019, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot if you:
• Meet the eligibility requirements, and
• Have a job offer to work in one of these occupations
The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot are 5-year pilot programs that let qualified caregivers and their family members come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents.

If you’ve been offered a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through one of these pilots.

➢ Qualifying work experience:
This means you’ve worked full-time in Canada in 1 of these National Occupational Classification (NOC) jobs:
– Home child care provider – NOC 4411
▪ Experience as a foster parent doesn’t count
– Home support worker – NOC 4412
▪ Experience as a housekeeper doesn’t count

➢ About the process:
a) You don’t have any qualifying work experience
If you don’t have any qualifying work experience, you can apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or the Home Support
Worker Pilot as long as you meet the other eligibility requirements.
1. You apply to either the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or the Home
Support Worker Pilot, depending on which occupation you plan to work in.
2. You submit a work permit application together with your permanent residence application.
3. If you meet the requirements, you get a work permit to work in Canada temporarily.
4. The work permit you get is an occupation-restricted open work permit and lets you work as a caregiver for any employer.
5. Get at least 24 months of work experience to qualify for permanent residence.
6. You submit proof of your work experience once you have enough.
7. A final decision will be made on your application for permanent residence.

b) You have some qualifying work experience, but less than 24 months
If you have some qualifying work experience, but less than 24 months, you can apply for the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or the Home Support Worker Pilot, as long as you meet the other eligibility requirements.
1. You apply to either the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or the Home
Support Worker Pilot, depending on which occupation you plan to work in.
2. You submit a work permit application together with your permanent residence application.
3. If you meet the requirements, you get a work permit to work in Canada temporarily.
4. The work permit you get is an occupation-restricted open work permit and lets you work as a caregiver for any employer.
5. Get at least 24 months of work experience to qualify for permanent residence.
6. You submit proof of your work experience once you have enough.
7. A final decision will be made on your application for permanent residence.

c) You have 24 or more months of qualifying work experience
If you already have 24 months of qualifying work experience, you and your family members may be eligible to apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or the Home Support Worker Pilot. When you apply, you need to include documents to prove you have enough qualifying
work experience.

➢ Family members
Your family members are also eligible to come with you to Canada. If they want to work or study while in Canada, you can include their work or study permit applications with your application.

❖ Eligibility
As of June 18, 2019, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot if you meet the below
eligibility requirements:
1. Have a genuine and valid job offer The job you are offered must be:
• Full-time, which means at least 30 hours of paid work each week
• From a Canadian employer
• Outside the province of Quebec
• From an employer who’s not an embassy, high commission or consulate
• Made using Offer of Employment form.
• Genuine, meaning there’s a real need to hire you
The job you are offered must be in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) job that matches the pilot you apply for:
• Home child care provider – NOC 4411
• Home support worker – NOC 4412
2. Are able to do the job
Your ability to do the work described in the NOC job description is decided based on any past experience or training you have.
3. Meet the language level
You need to take a language test to prove that you meet the minimum language skills. The minimum language skill is Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 5 in English or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien (NLCL) 5 in French for all 4 language skills: writing, reading, listening and speaking.
4. Meet the education requirement
You must have a completed post-secondary education credential of at least 1 year in Canada. If you don’t have a Canadian education credential, you need to get your foreign education credential assessed to show that it’s equal to a completed Canadian post-secondary education credential of at least 1 year.
5. Are admissible to Canada
6. Plan to live outside the province of Quebec as a permanent resident

❖ Application process
1. Submit your application
• You have to get a valid job offer and gather all required documents before
submitting your application.
• You have to submit a work permit application together with your permanent residence application.
• After the application is received, it will be checked for its completeness. If it is complete, it will then be processed. If it is not complete, it will be sent back to you.

2. Decision on your work permit application
• If your application for a work permit is approved If you apply from outside Canada, you will receive a letter of introduction to confirm the approval of your work permit, which is required to be presented upon your arrival in Canada to get your work permit. If you apply from inside Canada, a work permit will be mailed to your address given in your application.
• If your application for a work permit is refused
You will receive a refusal letter stating the reasons that led to that decision.

3. Get your work experience
To support your application for permanent residence, you need to get at least
24 months of qualifying work experience. You don’t have to work 24 months in a row, just 24 months total.

When you have 24 months of qualifying work experience, you must submit proof of your qualifying work experience no later than 36 months after you get your work permit.

Any work experience you have before you apply can count to your 24 months as long as:
• You show that your job matched the NOC job description and you must have done most of the main duties
• All 24 months of total work experience is gained in the 36 months period before you submit your proof
• This includes past and future work experience
• It was full-time work of at least 30 hours of paid work each week
• You weren’t a full-time student while you were working

4. Decision on your permanent residence application
• If you are approved for permanent residence You will be asked to send your passport to the processing office so your permanent resident visa can be issued. This visa includes your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and, if you need one to enter Canada, an entry visa.
• If your permanent residence application is refused You will receive a refusal letter stating the reasons that led to that decision.

Need help choosing your suitable immigration program? Contact us today.

B. Live-in Caregiver Program
The Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) is closed to new applicants. You can only apply for permanent residence through the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) if you have at least 2 years of work experience in the program and:
• You’re already working in Canada with an LCP work permit, or
• You were approved for your first LCP work permit based on a Labour Market Impact
Assessment submitted to Employment and Social Development Canada on or before November 30, 2014 If you have work experience in Canada as a caregiver but don’t qualify for either of the options above, you may be eligible to immigrate to Canada through a different program

Need help choosing your suitable immigration program? Contact us today.